food truck florida
V Street Food offers a top-tier solution for anyone looking to launch or upgrade a mobile food business in Naperville. Specializing in custom-built food trucks and catering trailers, V Street Food combines functionality with a stylish, retro-inspired design. Whether you’re aiming for a vintage look or a modern edge, every mobile unit is crafted to meet your unique vision and specifications.
Naperville is home to the food truck industry and now you too can be part of it with the help from V Street Food and the Reward Catering group. It is our mission to be the best in this business by taking care of the manufacturing, design, and construction of the customised food truck and catering trailers that you order from us. 

Here’s what sets us apart:

Quality Craftsmanship: Built with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail

Customization: Each unit is designed around your specific needs, ensuring that every truck or trailer is perfectly tailored to your business.

Vzdržljivost: Our manufacturing process ensures that your mobile unit stands up to the rigors of daily operation.

Fast Turnaround: Our experienced team delivers your dream vehicle quickly and reliably.

Competitive Pricing: High-quality doesn’t mean high-cost; we offer competitive pricing for our custom builds.

Rooted in the craftsmanship of Reward Catering, an Irish family-run business, we prioritize customer satisfaction and bring years of industry expertise to each project. Let’s make your vision for a mobile food truck a reality with V Street Food.

Zakaj izbrati naše izdelke?


We provide our customers with complete and innovative products that stand out from the rest. Our experienced team members will work together with the fabricators and developers to bring new and innovative ideas to every V Street Food truck and catering trailer. We have established ourselves as a leading global brand who strive only for perfection. 

Vrhunske inovacije

V ulici V se še bolj potrudimo z zagotavljanjem vrhunskih rešitev, ki nas ločijo od konkurence. Naša izkušena ekipa tesno sodeluje s proizvajalci in razvijalci, da bi v vsak tovornjak s hrano in gostinsko prikolico vnesli sveže, inventivne koncepte. Trdno smo utrdili svoj ugled vodilne svetovne blagovne znamke, ki je zavezana nič manj kot popolnosti. 


Vsi naši mobilni tovornjaki in prikolice za hrano so zgrajeni na podlagi zahtev in idej naših strank. Naše tovornjake izdelujemo, da bi olajšali kuhanje in pripravo vseh vrst jedilnikov. Naša prednostna naloga je zagotoviti, da vse deluje, kot mora. 


Vsi naši tovornjaki s hrano in gostinske prikolice so izdelani iz visokokakovostnih, privlačnih in vrhunskih materialov. To je naša prednostna naloga! Vsi pulti, pomivalna korita, omarice za shranjevanje in drugo so najvišje kakovosti in visoke stopnje vzdržljivosti. 
Menimo, da je vsak prostor v vaši kuhinji uporaben, od priprave do prostora za shranjevanje, mislimo na vse. Vse gradimo s pogledom na čistočo in varnost. 


We build our trucks and trailers with all the latest modern technology from LED lights to WI-FI, POS systems, and much more. Our products offer a unique customer experience. You should always expect to draw a large crowd with our exceptional products. Our products are designed to provide an unparalleled customer experience, consistently drawing substantial interest and crowds thanks to their exceptional quality. 

Naša paleta izdelkov:

Napovednik v stilu American Airstream

For Airstream style Catering Trailers, ours are above the rest in terms of construction, quality, design, and price. It is an all-chrome classic and iconic timeless design that always attracts attention. With the additional fully equipped and modern kitchen facilities added inside that are unique to your needs, you are sure to stand out from your competition. This classic food truck gives you a great opportunity to catch the eye of passers-by in Naperville with your own unique catering trailer. We build our trailers to your needs and expectations. 

H Kombi Tovornjak s hrano

Naš edinstveni tovornjak s hrano H Van v slogu Citroena je v zadnjih letih postal zelo priljubljen in je idealno mobilno vozilo za gostinstvo za navdušene kuharske podjetnike. Kombi H ima vse, tako značaj kot šarm. Zaradi svoje velikosti je omejen, vendar je idealen za uporabo kot mobilni kavni bar. 
Kavne prikolice V Street Food so opremljene z vsemi fantastičnimi funkcijami, ki jih potrebujete za postavitev vašega novega mobilnega kavarnega podjetja. Naše prikolice za kavo so vedno dobro premišljene in edinstveno izdelane iz najkakovostnejših materialov, tako da lahko dobite svojo lastno prikolico po meri. Vse naše prikolice so narejene po meri in izdelane s pozornostjo do podrobnosti, ki jim ni para. 
If you have a project in mind, please get in touch with our team here in Naperville!  

V Street Food Naperville Spruce Dr, Naperville, IL

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