food truck florida
Transform your mobile business vision into reality with V Street Food, the premier custom food truck and catering trailer manufacturer in Escondido. With a reputation rooted in quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, we design and build food trucks tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Zakaj izbrati V Street Food?

Personalized Design: Every truck or trailer is built to order, ensuring it meets your specific requirements.
Top-Quality Materials: We prioritize durability and performance, using only the best materials and parts.
Experienced Craftsmanship: As part of the successful Irish family-run Reward Catering, we bring years of expertise to each project.
Vintage Appeal: Specializing in retro-style designs, our builds offer timeless charm and modern functionality.
Fast Turnaround & Competitive Pricing: We’re committed to delivering excellence without long waits or inflated costs.

Build Your Dream Mobile Business

A food truck from V Street Food isn’t just a vehicle—it’s a long-term investment in your future. Whether you’re starting a new venture or expanding an existing business, our custom creations are designed to inspire and succeed.
Let’s craft the perfect food truck or trailer for your goals. Trust V Street Food, where quality meets creativity in every build. Contact us today and take the first step toward your dream mobile business.

Why Choose V Street Food Trucks in Escondido?

V Street Food je specializirano za vrhunske tovornjake s hrano in prikolice za gostinstvo, ki bodo privabili veliko strank. Naša strokovna in izkušena proizvodna ekipa lahko ustvari prava umetniška dela, namenjena razveseljevanju vaših lačnih strank in krepitvi moči vašega podjetja, hkrati pa pustijo dolgotrajen vtis in nepozabno izkušnjo. 
Radi izdelujemo tovornjake in radi vidimo odziv stranke na končni izdelek. Stojimo za svojimi izdelki in si prizadevamo ponuditi najboljše storitve za stranke in kakovostne izdelke, ki so na voljo.
Vsak podjetnik s strastjo do kulinarike je pozoren na posel s tovornjaki s hrano in dobiček, ki obstaja v tej industriji, in bi morali tudi vi! 

Zakaj izbrati naše izdelke?


Našim strankam nudimo celovite in inovativne izdelke, ki izstopajo od ostalih. Naši izkušeni člani ekipe bodo sodelovali s proizvajalci in razvijalci, da bi vnesli nove in inovativne ideje v vsak tovornjak Reward Catering V Street Food in gostinsko prikolico. Uveljavili smo se kot vodilna svetovna blagovna znamka, ki stremi le k popolnosti. 


All our mobile food trucks and trailers are built around our customers’ requests and ideas. We manufacture our trucks in order to facilitate the cooking and preparation of all types of menu items. We make it our priority to ensure everything works as it should. Escondido is home to the food truck industry and now you too can be part of it with the help from V Street Food and the Reward Catering group. It is our mission to be the best in this business by taking care of the manufacturing, design, and construction of the customised food truck and catering trailers that you order from us. 


All of our food trucks and catering trailers are built with high-quality, attractive, and superb materials. This is our top priority! All counters, sinks, storage cabinets, and more are of the highest quality and high level of durability.  We consider every space in your kitchen area to be used from prepping to storage space we think of it all. We build everything with an eye towards cleanliness and safety. 


Naše tovornjake in prikolice izdelujemo z vso najnovejšo sodobno tehnologijo od LED luči do WI-FI, POS sistemov in še veliko več. Naši izdelki ponujajo edinstveno uporabniško izkušnjo. Vedno lahko pričakujete, da boste z našimi izjemnimi izdelki privabili veliko množico. 

Our Escondido Food Truck Product Range:

Napovednik v stilu American Airstream

For Airstream-style Catering Trailers, ours are above the rest in terms of construction, quality, design, and price. It is an all-chrome classic and iconic timeless design that always attracts attention. With the additional fully equipped and modern kitchen facilities inside that are unique to your needs, you are sure to stand out from your competition. This classic food truck gives you a great opportunity to catch the eye of passers-by in Escondido with your unique catering trailer. We build our trailers to your needs and expectations. 

H Kombi Tovornjak s hrano

Naš edinstveni tovornjak s hrano H Van v slogu Citroena je v zadnjih letih postal zelo priljubljen in je idealno mobilno vozilo za gostinstvo za navdušene kuharske podjetnike. Kombi H ima vse, tako značaj kot šarm. Zaradi svoje velikosti je omejen, vendar je idealen za uporabo kot mobilni kavni bar. 
Prikolice za kavo Reward Catering so opremljene z vsemi fantastičnimi funkcijami, ki jih potrebujete za postavitev vašega novega mobilnega podjetja s kavo. Naše prikolice za kavo so vedno dobro premišljene in edinstveno izdelane iz najkakovostnejših materialov, tako da lahko dobite svojo lastno prikolico po meri. Vse naše prikolice so narejene po meri in izdelane s pozornostjo do podrobnosti, ki jim ni para. 
If you have a project in mind, please get in touch with us here in Escondido!  

V Street Food Escondido
N Ivy St,
Escondido, CA

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