food truck florida
V Street Food is the market leading custom food trucks manufacturer in Olathe. If you are seeking a prestige and premium food truck for your new business, then buy your new and customised food truck with v street food. V Street food is a family run business and part of the very successful reward catering group. We cater to the hospitality sectors. We operate in many specialists’ areas to make you your dream food truck business. These areas include corporate branded mobile kitchens, airstream catering trailers, food trucks, prosecco bars, mobile cocktail bars, gin bars, coffee trailers, pizza trailers.  
Our team have many years of combined experience and knowledge of the industry and in the design and manufacturing of custom commercial vehicles for the hospitality industry.  
Mobilni tovornjaki s hrano so danes ena najhitreje rastočih industrij. Zahtevajo manj naložb kot fizične restavracije in so zelo praktičen način, da svoje edinstvene kulinarične ideje predstavite javnosti. 
V street Food lahko sestavi vaš večno sanjski tovornjak s hrano, izdelan iz najkakovostnejših materialov, da vam zagotovi vrhunsko zgradbo, ki bo zagotovo izstopala.  

Why Choose V Street Food Trucks Olathe?

Our food trucks stand out from the crowd making them a cutting edge and stylish truck. Our experienced and professional manufacturing team can create a true work of art that will empower your business and draw a healthy customer base leaving a memorable experience and a long-lasting memory.  
We stand behind our products and strive to offer the best customer service and quality products available. We are the proud bespoke designer and manufacturers of food trucks in Olathe.  
If you have a keen interest in food and wonderful cuisine than a food truck business is a profitable and ideal one for first time business owners.  

Zakaj izbrati naše izdelke?


Vsi naši mobilni tovornjaki in prikolice za hrano so zgrajeni glede na zahteve in zamisli naših strank. Naše tovornjake izdelujemo, da bi olajšali kuhanje in pripravo vseh vrst jedilnikov. Naša prednostna naloga je zagotoviti, da vse deluje, kot mora. 
Olathe is home to the food truck industry and now you too can be part of it with the help from V Street Food and the Reward Catering group. It is our mission to be the best in this business by taking care of the manufacturing, design, and construction of the customised food truck and catering trailers that you order from us. 


All our food trucks and catering trailers are built with superb attractive, and high-quality materials. This is our top priority! All storage cabinets, counters, and sinks are all the highest quality and high level of durability. 
Menimo, da je vsak prostor v vaši kuhinji uporaben, od priprave do prostora za shranjevanje, mislimo na vse. Vse gradimo s pogledom na čistočo in varnost. 


Naše tovornjake in prikolice izdelujemo z vso najnovejšo in sodobno tehnologijo od LED luči do WI-FI, POS sistemov in še veliko več. Naši izdelki ponujajo edinstveno uporabniško izkušnjo. Vedno lahko pričakujete, da boste z našimi izjemnimi izdelki privabili veliko množico. 


Našim strankam nudimo celovite in inovativne izdelke, ki izstopajo od ostalih. Naši izkušeni člani ekipe bodo sodelovali s proizvajalci in razvijalci, da bi vnesli nove in inovativne ideje v vsak tovornjak Reward Catering V Street Food in gostinsko prikolico. Uveljavili smo se kot vodilna svetovna blagovna znamka, ki stremi le k popolnosti. 

Naš izbor izdelkov

American Air Stream Style Trailer

For Airstream Style Catering Trailers, ours are above the rest in terms of price, design, quality and construction. It is an all-chrome classic and iconic timeless design that always attracts attention. With the additional fully equipped and modern kitchen facilities added inside that are unique to your needs, you are sure to stand out from your competition. Catch the eye of any passer by’s with our unique and this classic food truck. We build our trailers to your expectations and needs.  

H Kombi Tovornjak s hrano

Naš edinstveni tovornjak s hrano Citroen H Van je v zadnjih letih postal zelo priljubljen in je idealno mobilno vozilo za gostinstvo za navdušene kuharske podjetnike. Kombi H ima vse, tako šarm kot značaj. Zaradi svoje velikosti je omejen, vendar je idealen za uporabo kot mobilni kavni bar. 
Prikolice za kavo Reward Catering so opremljene z vsemi fantastičnimi funkcijami, ki jih potrebujete za postavitev vašega novega mobilnega podjetja s kavo. Vse naše prikolice so izdelane po naročilu s pozornostjo do podrobnosti, ki jim ni para. Naše prikolice za kavo so vedno dobro premišljene in edinstveno izdelane iz najkakovostnejših materialov, tako da lahko dobite svojo lastno prikolico po meri.  
We would love to hear about your business dreams today! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team here in Olathe. 

V Street Food Olathe
W Terrace,
Olathe, KS

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